Event security management

Short-term events demand far more planning & rigorous coordination right from selection of protection methodology to execution in order to meet the dynamism, event type, venue, duration and host of other considerations. Likewise; the risk spectrum traverses between security and safety, from man-made to natural threats, human to climatic disruptions, crowd behaviours to celebrity peculiarities.

We incorporate a systematic approach to management of venue, and crowd security providing ample flexibility of reinforcement through our standby event response teams. In addition, we work hand in hand with our customers and assist to collaborate with public law enforcement agencies, depending upon the nature of event. From the assessment to planning, and rehearsal to execution stages – our team of experts work closely with our customers to ensure that every aspect of Security and Safety has been considered and multiple eventualities are planned within given resources and time frame. The core of our success is attributed to staff background checks, selection, training, welfare and technology integrated deployment plans. Screening capabilities, dual mode of communications, surveillance, health and safety inspections and post event scan of venues are the value-added features.


  • Events Security
  • Traffic Control & Parking Security
  • Crowd Screening & Management
  • Concierge Service
  • VIP Reception & Protocols
  • Roving Patrols