Facility security management

All asset protection projects are undertaken following a comprehensive risk assessment to ensure structured development of protection system or modifications in the existing system. During the pre-deployment evaluation; the focus areas are Planning, Engineering, and Testing (PET) to identify the gaps in design, integration and performance management. However, further recommendations are shared as the team on ground develops understanding of operational intricacies and opportunities for improvements are identified.

Planning includes all the actions identify:

  • What is being protected?
  • The consequences of loss for key assets?
  • The types & extents of threats / risks.
  • The relative effectiveness of existing systems.

Engineering is divided into three general areas:

  • Prevention
  • Detection
  • Response

Testing implies all the methods used to ensure that the protection is functioning as intended. These include but are not limited to:

  • Performance / awareness tests.
  • Detailed inspections of security procedures.
  • Surveillance measures and effectiveness.
  • Penetration testing conducted peak and off-peak hours
  • Policies, procedures, staff training, and information management.