Site security surveys

A security survey is a thorough on-site examination and analysis of a facility to determine what assets are present and their value; to evaluate the existing security program; to identify differences or excesses; to determine the protection needed; and to support recommendations to improve overall security. Assessing a workplace facility for security vulnerabilities often comes after an internal incident, a civil suit, or because a nationally televised event has reminded the business owners, operators, and employees about their need to feel safer at work. In other words, site security surveys are often event driven. It’s not always necessary to hire a security consultant for the assessment process if you use the experience and talents of your company’s stakeholders.

This course will help your organization asses your workplace facility security to identify vulnerabilities and threats that may not seem noticeable. We will discuss how to conduct a security assessment, develop appropriate procedures, and outline detailed training needs assessment along with how to conduct drills and exercises to test your system.